A rare occasion recently … both sons visiting at the same time, ’round the table sharing food and conversation. interesting how topics have changed over the years. … Among the thoughts being expressed … about work and how long each will continue … both too young to retire, one eligible, but no immediate plans that were shared and one with another 10 years … both, pretty much where they want to be, so far as work is concerned. … Proud of both and our entire family…
It’s been an interesting few years for us … a mostly good trip. … For years they were our focus … now, reversing. … They are concerned about elderly parents … who are, for the most part, enjoying pretty good health for our age. … Still a lot of love shared by and for all our family…
Changing the subject, haven’t watched any of the hearings in DC … no desire to … but both sides have their PR folks and supporters busy … both “spewing out” their accounts of the issue … using all forms of social media. … Lots of experts (????), or so it seems, on both sides. … Checking the political polls, little, if anything, has changed…
Guess it’s age, but seems we just completed a census survey … but it’s been 10 years and a good count is important. Helpers are needed, according to various sources, for those interested in a short-time, part-time job…
Chuck Heustess and his small EDC staff do good work … creating jobs and adding tax base. … More jobs than people, or so it seems and the immediate future indicates more of the same. … Takes a team … EDC staff, good support at the local government level and supportive volunteers…
Some things to think about…
“Don’t interfere with somethin’ that is not bothering you…”
“If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop diggin’.”
“Always drink upstream from the herd.”
“Every path has a few puddles”
robert g hester