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BladenOnline was ‘down’ most of yesterday. Last report was someone ‘hacked’ the website. One of the hazards of being online. But, the good outweighs the bad. Thanks to Charlotte Smith and others.

Today, we bid goodbye to a lady who has spent a lifetime quietly providing a valuable service to members of Dublin Baptist Church and the community. Mrs. Estelle Summerlin will be laid to rest. Visitation and service at the same location where she provided music for many who have gone before her. Dublin and Bladen County are better because Dr. and Mrs. Summerlin located in the area many years ago.

Another reminder of Chamber events. Annual Banquet set for Tuesday at Lu Mil, Sunset Jam Concert series begin a week from today (June 20) at Goldston’s beach. First concert features Pizazz Band. Summer Sounds Concert Series begins July 11th at Cape Fear Farmer’s Market featuring “Cool Heat.” Oh yes, Chamber membership time. Renewals and new members reminded July 1 is the due date.

I know I say if often, but true, a busy time in Bladen.

Blueberries are available, delicious and good for whatever ails you.

Father’s day is Sunday. #2 son came yesterday and we celebrated. John loves to cook and he knows mom and dad enjoy. He drives a Food Lion truck and will be working this weekend. Will share time with #1 son and his family Saturday at White Lake. Rick, as many know, played baseball at Clemson and later in the Texas Rangers organization, before getting a real job. One of his old teammates and roommates is now pitching coach for the Durham Bulls. Rick Knapp chose to stay in professional baseball and now has over 40 years experience. They had an opportunity to share ‘old times’ recently. Brought back fond memories for the two of them and for us as well.

“He’s busier than a one-legged man in a butt kickin’ contest.” Country expression

“If you want something done, ask a busy person.” Proverb

“If you’re too busy to go fishin’, you’re too busy.” Buddy Ebson

robert g hester

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