Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingBladenOnline numbers remain strong, but not as strong as some weeks, depends on news events, but still very good.  118,610 pages viewed last week, compared with 141,487 same week a year ago.  Last year we were covering a shooting at Center Road and Twisted Hickory Road that left one dead and four charged.  May be the big story this year should be, none have gone to trial.

Our biggest story this past week was coverage of the elections from the Bladen County Courthouse.  Next was our story about a car chase that left four injured when an-out-of-state driver apparently attempted to ‘out run the law’, made a turn on Cromartie Road near Elizabethtown, unaware a portion of the road had been ‘washed-away’.  They came to a sudden stop.  Arrests were made.

Bladen County is in the news in a negative way.  All about early voting and how ballots were handled, not the local Board of Elections staff or board.  It’s all about activists/operatives.  If the investigation determines there are irregularities, hope all involved are dealt with harshly, if no irregularities, hope all are cleared.  Check all, those involved, including the individual making the claims.  If my memory is correct, all are normally very active at election time. A few give the county a ‘black-eye’.  Don’t think Bladen results will make a huge difference in statewide political races, but if it’s illegal, bring charges.

Average annual rainfall, according to the National Weather Service, is 49.27 inches.  I like to think of it as an inch a week.  We had lots of rain associated with Hurricane Mathew, heard reports from 8 to 20 inches, but little since then.  Our average for November and December is barely over 3 inches per month.

Can you believe Thanksgiving is just over a week away?  Holidays were special to me as a youngster.  We visited our grandparents and played with our cousins.  No cell phones, no ‘whatever boxes’.  Shoot, many times we had no power.  We played hopscotch, monopoly, bingo and shot marbles, to mention a few.  And we were usually home before dark.  Longest distance to our grandparents, usually less than 3 or 4 miles.

Those were the days my friend, I thought they would never end, but they did.

Pray for the fireman in the mountains.

If you want to achieve greatness stop asking for permission.  Anonymous

Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out.  John Wooden

All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.  Walt Disney

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