Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.com
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thoughts while shavingThanks for positive comments related to ‘Thoughts’ over the weekend … As my long ago friends would say, much appreciated.

Yesterday’s high temp was a cool 50 degrees … Rainfall over the first half of last night … about a quarter of an inch, locally…

Today, sunny with a high near 59 and breezy, gusts as high as 18 mph … as we all return to a normal schedule … after a few days off … Mostly clear tonight with a low around 32 … Tuesday, partly sunny early, then gradually becoming sunny … High near 52 and windy with gusts again in the 18 mph range…

Next chance of rain … Friday night, Saturday and Sunday … in the 30% to 40% range…

Thought about years ago … when we were youngsters and it was wet and chilly outside … mom suggested activities to keep us busy … Bingo … Monopoly … jack rocks … if no rain and little wind … go outside and play, hide & seek … hopscotch … red rover … anything to keep us busy … Use up some energy … Maybe a few Mary Janes or Kits candy, or maybe a few vanilla wafers … or a homemade cookie…

Christmas shopping tops many lists for the next 3 or 4 weeks … clothing, games, and more…

A good time to make a deal with Santa (dad) … he goes hunting, then all the family goes shopping … Is ‘drawing names’ still big with youngsters?

Sickness and deaths get a little more attention this time of year … at least it seems so…

Still a few fields of cotton throughout the area…

Selected NFL results…
Tennessee 17 – Panthers 10
LA Rams 37 – Arizona 14
Jacksonville 24 – Houston 20
Kansas City 31 – Las Vegas 17
Eagles 37 – Bills 34

NFL game scheduled for tonight…
Chicago Bears at Minnesota, 8:15 p.m.

“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every new year find you a better person.” Benjamin Franklin

“Great beauty, great strengths, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all.” Benjamin Franklin

“Beware of little expenses: A small leak will sink a great ship.” Benjamin Franklin

robert g hester

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