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Robert Hester, Founder of BladenOnline.comNFL last night … Seahawks 17 – Broncos 16. Seahawk fans had a good time … New Denver coach second guessed because of some of his calls late in the game … Former Seahawk QB, now Broncos QB, Russell Wilson was target of many Seattle Seahawk fans screaming and booing …

Do you remember what you wanted to do after high school? Many wanted to go to college, some wanted to go to work, some had no idea … What I knew was anything but farm … No desire to be a sharecropper … I wanted to work in radio, and I did for years … That was an education … Be careful what you ask for … Actually not bad … stepping stone to something better … Today, so many opportunities not available 50 years ago…

Moving on … who would have ever believed you could renew your drivers license on the internet? You can and many do.

Traveling to a nearby town last evening … had to detour, either signage was poor or I was busy conversing with others, made a wrong turn and could not believe where I was … Turned around, back-tracked … using my expensive fuel…

I am among men, most richly blessed … sometimes just need to complain, moan and groan a little…

“I never think of the word comeback as a slap in the face. It’s a challenge.” Cher

“Credibility is to be good. You must be good. That’s all I ever wanted — to be good at what I did.” Cher

“My relationship with denim started when I was six years old, and it has gone on ever since. It is the longest relationship I have ever had.” Cher

robert g hester

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