Thoughts While Shaving
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Happy Labor Day weekend … Remember the Elizabethtown Sidewalk Sale this weekend … Bargains galore.

Temps go up, stock market goes down … Another 95 degree day yesterday … Most retired folks are very aware of stock market movement … been up for a while, but a huge ‘down’ day yesterday…

So, what are your plans for Labor Day weekend? … Many head to the beach, or lake … for many, just another work day…

Political campaigns wide-open … How long before the November election? … I said it before and I repeat … TV stations management must be all smiles … They, along with the mail service, are, or should be, bringing in the cash…

And, of course the US mail service has never had as much scrutiny … There are 7,087,350 registered voters in North Carolina, as of August 29 and as of September 2, 2020, 618,842 absentee ballots had already been requested … There are 61 days until Election Day (11-3-2020), 54 days to request your absentee ballot … and 42 days until the Early Voting period begins on October 15, 2020. All info off the NC State Board of Elections website … and … despite what you may have heard … vote once. More voting hopefully will get you in ‘hot water.’ For more info, visit the website.

Weather forecast for today … hot, hot, hot … Sunny with a high near 96. Heat values as high as 100 with west wind around 6 mph. Looking ahead to Labor Day … a great day … Partly sunny with a high near 87…

“Work is no disgrace; the disgrace is idleness.” Greek Proverb

“A man is not paid for having a head and hands, but for using them.” Eddie Hubbard

“Before the reward there must be labor. You plant before you harvest. You sow in tears before you reap joy.” Ralph Ransom

robert g hester

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