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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) issued the following statement on the President’s proposal to end the partial government shutdown through a compromise on border security funding and protections for DACA and TPS recipients:

“I commend President Trump for his leadership in proposing a commonsense compromise to end the current political stalemate. The President’s framework is a fair and pragmatic approach, providing adequate funding to secure our borders and offering relief to DACA and TPS recipients, goals sought by both Democrats and Republicans. It also sets the stage for a major immigration deal in the future, one that could secure our borders once and for all and provide long-term certainty for the DACA and TPS population.


“It’s now time for Speaker Pelosi to decide whether she is finally willing to compromise with the President and end the shutdown, or whether she will continue to pander to the extreme elements of her base at the expense of the rest of the country.”

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