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By Joy Warren

The White Lake Board of Commissioners met in regular session Tuesday evening using electronic media “Zoom” meeting.  Mayor Womble gave a COVID-19 State of Emergency update which is scheduled through April 30th.  Mayor Womble stated the Town may be looking at additional time depending on the continued issues with the pandemic.  More information will be released as decisions are made.

A report was shared from Steve Bunn, Lake Stewardship Officer.  Bunn assumed his duties in March and has been charged with educating the citizens about lake quality issues to improve, protect and preserve the lake.  He is currently monitoring lake levels, rainfall, and waterfowl numbers.  The seagull population has left and the ducks and geese are returning, but not in large numbers.  Addionally, letters were mailed to lake front property owners to voluntarily forgo the use of lawn fertilizers to assist with possible runoff into the lake.  Mayor Womble also indicated that as an ongoing part of the lake management plan, Drew Gay, Aquatic Weed Specialist with the NC Division of Water Resources provided a proposed Work Plan and cooperative agreement for monitoring the lake for Hydrilla and a lake-wide survey conducted by NCSU.  The Board approved the 50/50 cost-share agreement between the Town ($16,000) and the State of NC ($16,000).  The funds will be applied from the Lake Water Restoration Capital Project Fund.

The Board adopted the Bladen County 2019 Comprehensive Recreation Plan as presented by Eddie Madden, project manager for Phase II of the multi-use path project.  The endorsement and support for the updated plan will meet the requirements for various grant application for Phase II of the multi-use path.  Madden also indicated that the surveys are completed and they are working on securing the property easements for the path.

As requested by Staff, the Board appointed Accountant/Deputy Finance Officer Amber Glisson as the Primary Agent for the Designation of Applicant’s Agent for COVID-19 and FEMA natural disaster funds.

In other administrative matters, Council approved March Utility Releases ($348.81), Tax Releases ($134.31), Tax Refunds ($439.73); and adopted budget ordinance amendments #2020-17, 18, 19, 20, 21.

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the 42nd White Lake Water Festival has been tentively rescheduled to August 21-22nd, 2020.

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