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RALEIGH, N.C. – If you are a Hurricane Florence survivor who needs to extend temporary housing assistance from FEMA, it’s important you provide FEMA with the proper documents. If you are eligible for an extension, you may use continued temporary housing assistance to pay for a place to live, such as a house, apartment, hotel or recreational vehicle. The assistance covers rent, security deposit and essential utilities, like electricity and water.

To apply for Continued Temporary Housing Assistance, you must:
 Complete an application for Continued Temporary Housing Assistance, which you should have received in the mail. If you didn’t get one, and have a continuing need, call the disaster assistance helpline at 800-621-3362 or 800-462-7585 (TTY).
 Submit the completed application with the following supporting documents:
o Pre-disaster and current household income status.
o Copies of pre-disaster lease, utility bills, renters insurance.
o Copy of current lease or rental agreement signed by you and the landlord.
o Rental receipts, canceled checks or money orders showing the rental assistancewas used to pay for housing expenses.

 Return the completed form and supporting documents to FEMA in one of the followingways:
o Upload them to your disaster account at DisasterAssistance.gov.
o Fax them to 800-827-8112.
o Mail them to FEMA, PO Box 10055, Hyattsville, MD 20782-8055.

FEMA will evaluate your request to determine if you are eligible. It is important to keep FEMA updated with your contact information and housing status.
For more information on North Carolina’s recovery from Hurricane Florence, visit ncdps.gov/Florence and FEMA.gov/Disaster/4393. Follow us on Twitter:
@NCEmergency and @FEMARegion4.

Author: bladenonline

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