By Danna Martínez
Consecration is the solemn dedication to a sacred place, thing, or entity, through the rite. This ceremony, commonly presented by religious entities, seeks people to make a conscious and voluntary decision to dedicate soul, mind, heart, and body to God.
“Therefore, brothers, I exhort you by the compassions of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy, pleasing to God, which is your rational service.” – Romans 12: 1
In the Old Testament, the prophets chosen by God had to consecrate themselves to him to fulfill his will. The New Testament speaks of the heart’s consecration (complete surrender to God and his service). Consecrated persons had to maintain an impeccable attitude and become an example to follow for the gospel’s people and nations.
According to Holiness Today magazine, “God’s call is only one aspect of holiness. While it is true that there is no holiness without God’s call upon us, there is no holiness without our faithful response. This response takes the form of our consecration. to God, and the life of just obedience results from this consecration. “
The term consecration can also be used in the religious sphere to refer to:
- In the religious context, consecration occurs when the Catholic priest turns the wine and bread into the blood and body of Jesus.
- The consecration of a man who becomes a priest occurs when the man becomes part of the Catholic Church’s hierarchy. (women cannot consecrate to become priests).
The Bible for America Organization suggests four reasons why people should consecrate themselves to God:
- Walk in the way of the Lord.
- To grow in life.
- Allow God to work in us.
- To enjoy the riches of God’s salvation.
Consecration consists of multiple instances of dedicating one’s life to a specific cause or ideal.