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By Cara Beth Lewis 

World Freedom Day is an international holiday celebrated on the ninth of November each year. World Freedom Day marks the anniversary of the collapsing of the Berlin Wall in 1989, which marked the end of communism in eastern and central Europe. However, it is about much more than just a wall.

In 2001, President George W. Bush proclaimed World Freedom Day a federal holiday. This federal holiday represents the rise of democracy and freedom. It is a day to appreciate the freedom we have as Americans, and to raise awareness about our rights and freedom.

Even though we live in a free country, many people are unaware of their rights and the extent of them. In order to be truly free, it is important to understand your rights as a free citizen.

According to CyberCivics, “All citizens of the United States enjoy the basic freedoms and protections outlined in its founding documents: the Declaration of Independence, which set forth the principles and ideas of a just and fair government, and the Constitution, which outlined how this government would function.” Read more about the Bill of Rights and the United States Constitution here: CyberCivics: Rights of US Citizens.

World Freedom Day can also be a time to honor those who fought in the war for freedom, both literally and figuratively. Veterans sacrificed their lives and put everything on the line for our freedom, and this week is a great time to honor veterans. Read more about why we celebrate Veterans Day here: Why Do We Celebrate Veterans Day? 

Additionally, President Ronald Reagan and many other figures in both history and present time have fought and continue to fight for freedom.

Even in modern times, so many countries are still not free and only partially free. Freedom House rates people’s access to political rights and civil liberties in 210 countries and territories through its annual Freedom in the World report. Click the link listed below to view different country’s freedom statuses.

Freedom House – Countries and Territories 

In honor of World Freedom Day and Veterans Day this week, let’s all be especially grateful for our freedom as Americans, and let’s show our gratitude and respect to those who helped win our freedom.

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