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By: Joy Warren


Elizabethtown Town Council met in regular session on Tuesday evening. Two public hearings were held regarding the Special Use request from Hilton DeVane Enterprises for property located at 212 Rollins Street for 4 duplexes and Special Use Request from Verlin Gorham for property located at 112 Biggs Avenue for a garage. After hearing no comments from the public, Council approved both requests.

Council heard from Brenda Dillman of Lyon Street regarding property adjacent to hers on both sides that are run down and yards unkempt.

In administrative matters Council approved the 25 year lease with US Army Corp of Engineers for Lock and Dam #2; appointed voting delgates (Rufus Lloyd and Herman Lewis) to NCLM Conference; approved an agreement with John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Ft. Bragg for training exercises; accepted the recommendation to install Four-Way Stops on Swanzy Street and King Street at Leinwand Park; approved tax releases, budget amendments, sewer account adjustments, and monthly financial report; and accepted the low bid and financing for purchasing Police vehicles. At the noon meeting, Council approved the Friends of the Skateparks Foundation agreement.

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