three things to know
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Here are three things to know for Tuesday, April 30:

1. Bladen Gardeners Plant Sale: Saturday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Cape Fear Farmers Market, 106 MLK Drive, Elizabethtown. Proceeds go to annual scholarship fund. Information: 910-862-4591.

2. May Day Celebration: Saturday, 10 a.m.-until, Baltimore Center/Carvers Creek Community, 2104 South Elwell Ferry Road, Council. Parade 11 a.m. Activities, recognitions, food, wrapping of the May Pole. (READ MORE)

3. 15th annual Lake Waccamaw Ride: Saturday, Entry: $15 per rider or $25 per couple. Depart Burney Hardware Co. in Aberdeen at 9 a.m. and arrive at Boys and Girls Homes of North Carolina in Lake Waccamaw at 11:30 a.m. Sponsored by American Legion Post 296. Click here for information. (READ MORE)


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