Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While Shaving

Looking forward to Monday, after a busy weekend that included time in Clinton (Star TMC), Dublin (West Bladen HS), Elizabethtown (Wesley’s Chapel UMC) and Dunn (with family).  For a full-fledged, card-caring senior citizen, lots of action, but all good.

Sports highlights yesterday:
NASCAR winner (Phoenix) Matt Kenseth over Chase Elliott
PGA winner (Mexico) Patton Kizzire finished a stroke better than Ricky Fowler
NFL (late night) Patriots 41 – Broncos 16.

Seen this posted in several locations recently:
‘Listen and silent are spelled with the same letters’

Thanksgiving is less than 2 weeks away, Christmas time is coming soon.

With municipal elections in the rear-view mirror, filing for the next election begins noon-time Monday, February 12, 2018 and closes at noon-time February 28, 2008.  Office seekers for US House of Representatives, District Attorney, NC Senate, NC House of Representatives, county offices including Sheriff, County Commissioners, Board of Education and more.  Folks at the Board of Elections complete one election and prepare for the next.

Wrote my Congressman and both US Senators’ (email) asking for support for 401 and other such saving plans to be left ‘as is’ in tax overhaul, not for me but for those who follow.  It’s a good way for as many as care to save for retirement, pay in tax-free and pay taxes when it is collected, like a savings account for Uncle Sam and the worker.  Retirees are required to withdraw a percentage of their plan annually.  Too simple, I suppose.  Received one form letter, but not even an acknowledgement from others.  OK, busy……I hope.

It is easy to make promises – it is hard to keep them.  Boris Johnson

Vote for the person who promises least; he’ll be the least disappointing.  Bernard Baruch

Promises are like crying babies in a theater, they should be carried out at once.  Norman Vincent Peale

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