National Save the Eagles Day
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Save the Eagles Day is commemorated on the 10th of January every year to save the eagles from extinction. The eagles were once in extinction in the later part of 20th Century, but as on June 2007, the Bald Eagle- national bird of the United States, was removed from the list of Endangered and Threatened Wildlife, due to the assiduous work of scientists and good stewards of both public and private lands.

There are more then 70 species of eagles throughout the world; except Hawaii, where the bird never resided. Other species of birds are not so fortunate as the Bald Eagle because of the threat caused due to habitat loss, poaching, and pesticides.

To honor Save the Eagles Day, we can look forward to protect eagles and the habitat of this most renowned and majestic bird. Donating to a wildlife sanctuary or turning to the government officials to strengthen environmental protection of waterways might help in saving the eagles. Planting trees and maintaining them in our own yards or local parks makes place for eagles to alight.

On the 10th of January, we can thank the United States for being able to enjoy watching these amazing birds soaring high in our sky. We should also send this intention to our world for it will help eagles continue their existence throughout the world now and for the years to come.


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