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By Charlotte Smith

Today, November 11 is a special day for those who have honorably served in our military. On Veterans Day we wanted to take a moment to give a digital salute to our Veterans and list some of many reasons why we should show appreciation and honor to our Veterans.

View photos submitted of Veterans:

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  1. Those who serve our military put their lives on the line. Physical, mental and emotional sacrifices are made.
  2. Service members lose valuable time with their families and loved ones. They miss special events and embraces for the sake of our rights and freedoms.
  3. The military members secure our country’s government, which was put into place for the betterment of all citizens.
  4. They protect our communities. When there are natural disasters and threats from enemies, the military members are some of the first to show up to help protect us.
  5. These service people go through rigorous physical and mental training just to prepare for their job. Completing the training alone deserves a salute.
  6. Those who serve our country are often called to serve in other countries, in war zones, and in hostile areas.
  7. Last, on this list, but part of many more is our service men and women represent America. They represent our families, our cultures, our country.

To honor our Veterans you can talk to them about their service with gratitude, ask them to lunch, write about them on your social media accounts, offer your time to a Veteran struggling through life, and anyone can offer thoughts and prayers for the service members.

There will be an event held this week to honor our Veterans. Find out more here: https://bladencounty.org/13th-annual-bladen-county-veterans-day-ceremony/

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