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A quick check of the weather indicates … stormy weather over the next few hours … High today in the mid 60s … 30% chance of thunderstorms possible after 1 pm and windy, gusts up to 17 mph. Tonight, more of the same, but a 90% chance or rain and new rainfall amounts of quarter and half an inch possible.

Looking ahead, mostly sunny next week with highs in the mid 50s, lows in the lower to mid 30s … pretty good for January…

We tend to concentrate on bad news … and there is an ample supply. … There is much good, if we look for it…

One of our readers shared a good story recently. … Headline in the Wilson, NC Times newspaper … “Exceptional children’s teacher honored”. Hayley Baxley, an exceptional children’s teacher at Springfield Middle School was recently honored … received the Educator of Excellence Award for Wilson County Schools at North Carolina’s 69th Conference on Exceptional Children in Greensboro. Great article. Ms. Baxley is a Bladenboro native, who graduated from Barton College, said she wanted to be a school teacher since the 10th grade. She described the award as humbling, her principal was quoted, “She is a one of a kind as far as the EC department.”

I suggest you ‘google’ the article … Mom, dad, brother, grandparents and friends and neighbors no doubt proud of her accomplishments. … Parents are Rodney and Sharon Baxley…

Our #2 son shared a dream with me recently. … If my memory is not playing tricks … he was near the Grand Canyon, flying with uncle Kenneth … (who doesn’t fly) … said he shared with uncle the plane appeared to in trouble, not clearing a tree. Crashed … and all fell in the bathroom of a nearby house …. but were OK. … I am a dreamer … understand the issue. … Good to wake up and discover it was just a dream…

Read all the tall tales about our nation and leaders … but, before sharing the ‘bad news’ google Snoops or Fact Check or some other credible source. … So many … ‘lies’ sorry … only way I know to say it … mistruths or just deliberate ‘lies’ … by folks we expect to ‘tell the truth’…

“As scary as truth is, the supply has always been in excess of the demand.” Josh Billings

“Beware of the half truth … you may have gotten hold of the wrong half.” Anonymous

“How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four … calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.” Abraham Lincoln

robert g hester

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