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We are being introduced to new words, new thoughts, new expressions daily, so it seems … among the latest is Coronavirus. … A new strain of a deadly virus. … Scary…

Seems every day there is a new headline, another fundraising effort on behalf of some politician of someone attempting to sell a new, better ‘something’. … I am leery and weary of such efforts. … If you call me … chances are good the phone will ring at least 3 times before anyone answers … more so if I do not recognize the number…

Guess President Trump was among the first to talk a great deal about Fake News … for a politician, fake news is most likely any news that they disagree with…

And, each political campaign, beginning at the local level, I question … discovered vindictive politicians are at every level…

There’s someone bigger than you and I, who sees and hears and knows…

I recommend Snopes or FactCheck for news at the national or world level, no doubt there are others … in an attempt to determine what is fact and what is fiction…

News coming out of Miami about hotel prices … and conditions of rental property. … Nothing new, it’s just that the Super Bowl is this weekend in Miami. … Smart business folks, or crooks. … Depends on where you stand … renter or rentee…

So what’s new…

What I have learned about Kobe Bryant is … he was obviously a good dad, a good husband and one of the all-time great basketball players … and it is a shame he lost his life so early. … I know, always some bad news … but who among us is perfect? … None that I know…

“Big business starts small” Drew Houston

“When people throw stones at you, you turn them into milestones.” Sachin Tendulkor

“In the business world, the rearview mirror is always clearer than the windshield.” Warren Buffett

“If you want your life to be more rewarding, you have to change the way you think.” Oprah Winfrey

robert g hester

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