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By Charlotte Smith

Dr. Cathy Gantz, Director of Bladen County Substance Abuse Task Force is leading the charge on the fight against substance abuse in Bladen County. She announced the task force is working to address the addiction problem in our communities.

The focus group has developed committees to help address known gaps more strategically.

“We are here to help. Join the movement,” she states in her press release. Anyone needing assistance with substance abuse or mental health issues may call Eastpointe at 1-800-913-6109 for assistance.

Eastpointe is conducting its annual survey to identify service needs and gaps in Bladen County, according to William Sellers, an Eastpointe Representative.

Please follow the links below to let your voice be heard.

“Member Survey” for Eastpointe members https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MemberNeedsAndGapsSurvey2020

“Family Member Survey” for family members https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FamilyMembersSurvey2020

Dr. Gantz released a personal testimony of how substance abuse has effected a family. Judy shares her son’s prescription opioid overdose story at the weblink below or in the video below.


Use the following hashtags on social media to start the conversations. #RxAwareness

#opioid #BladenRevolution #BladenCountySubstanceAbuseTaskForce

If you would like to join the Bladen County Substance Abuse Task Force please attend the next meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at 2:00 p.m. inside the Health Department in the conference room located on Mercer Mill Road in Elizabethtown.

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