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by Danna Martínez

Moon. This satellite has amazed human beings for centuries. It has been one of the significant studies in society. Moreover, it has a substantial influence on the Earth and its nature. The science in charge of studying the Moon is called selenography.

The term selenography comes from the Greek words “selene” and spelling. The Greek “selene” refers to Moon. On the other hand, the meaning of the term “spelling” is a description.

Scientists believe that the Moon formation occurred shortly after the construction of the sun and the Earth itself.

According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), “The leading theory of the Moon’s origin is that a Mars-sized body collided with Earth approximately 4.5 billion years ago, and the resulting debris from both Earth and the impactor accumulated to form our natural satellite.”

The Moon is one of the factors that allows life on Earth. It is not simply because it influences the cycles of the Earth, but also because without the Moon’s presence, the tides would not exist. The attraction of the Moon causes this phenomenon to the Earth. Due to Earth’s appeal to the Moon, this movement generates changes in the climate and the creation of tides.

Studies of the Moon are arduous and extensive. Thanks to continuous research, an idea of the characteristics of this satellite has been formed. However, there is still much to know. Here are “Ten fun facts about the moon” according to NatGeo:

  1. A person who weighs 45 kilograms would weigh 8.05 kilos on the Moon.
  2. Without a spacesuit on the Moon, the blood boils instantly.
  3. On the Moon, it is impossible to whistle.
  4. More people have reached the Moon than the depths of the oceans.
  5. Apollo 15 astronaut James B. Irwin was the eighth person to walk on the Moon on July 30, 1971.
  6. The last person to step on the Moon did so in 1972.
  7. On the Moon, there is no wind or sound.
  8. The surface of the Moon is smaller than Asia.
  9. Every year the Moon moves 3.8 centimeters away from the Earth.
  10. That people act strangely during the full Moon is a myth.

Among the first studies of the Moon is the lunar map. This map was produced with the help of a telescope. Furthermore, the lunar map serves as an instrument to represent the position, movement, and phases of the Moon. Some attribute this drawing to Thomas Harriot around 1609. However, other authors attribute the first lunar map to Galileo Galilei, also around 1609.

Selenography is considered a branch of astronomy. Selenography studies the lunar surface, physical characteristics, latitude, and longitude, among the most relevant aspects. This science has been used to investigate the origin, formation, and evolution of the Moon.

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