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Zach Personal Trainer


Zach Smith says that working out is something that is somewhat of a family tradition.

“I grew up watching my dad (Larry Smith) work out,” said Smith.

He said that his dad really demonstrated how working out can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.

“He has been a member and worked out for several years at Healthworks, and by watching him focus on becoming healthier and building strength, it has proven to me that, along with a healthy diet, exercise can transform your body. But not only that, it can make you feel better overall,” said Smith.

He adds, “When I work out, I feel great! Especially when I see how much I have improved since my first workout. Being able to talk to my clients about their frustrations and introducing them to new workouts will not only mix up their regimen, but give them focus to stick with the program that has been customized just for them.”

When asked what clients can expect from a typical workout, Smith said, that depends on the individual’s goal. He said there is no set work out that he uses for each client.

“We are all different, and I base each client’s workout based on their individual needs, goals, and interests,” said Smith.

He is no stranger to fitness and the needs of his clients and local athletes. Smith said he has always been athletic and has been working out basically since high school. Smith said he played many sports including football and basketball.  Smith said that one thing many sports have in common is the need for their athletes to stay to train and stay conditioned especially in the off season.  Smith said that for some athletes, without a coach telling them what exercises to perform and it can be easy to “slack off.”

“When you get into high school sports, this can be an issue, especially when you are expected to perform better each and every year. With my services, I can help keep each athlete conditioned during their off season so that they won’t have to “Make up for lost time” when they start back their sport of choice,” said Smith.

Getting into a routine and keeping it is beneficial to meeting fitness goals. When asked how many days a week a client should expect to work out, Smith said he recommends a minimum of three days per week. He said the reasoning for that is to give your muscles and body a chance to become conditioned. Smith said without that, a client won’t achieve the desired results.

When asked how quickly a client can expect to see results from their workout sessions, Smith said that it really depends on the client, their eating habits, and their fitness goals.  He adds however, that the client will feel results after their first workout.

Smith said it is also important that while you are working out you properly fuel your body. He recommends that folks eat a cup of fruit or drink a pre-workout smoothie from the smoothie bar before a workout. Smith said that after you complete your workout, you need to feed your muscles that have been broken down by your workout. He recommends a post workout snack of nuts, a protein shake or if it is later in the evening Smith recommends a dinner of grilled or baked chicken or salmon and fresh vegetables of your choice.

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