A draft proposal to have students remain at three elementary schools through fifth grade, an update on construction of Tar Heel School and approval of a recruitment and retention plan are among the items on the Bladen County Board of Education agenda.
The board is scheduled to hold its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday, April 17 at 6 p.m. inside the board room at the District Administration Building in Elizabethtown. The meeting is open to the public.
Go to https://go.boarddocs.com/nc/bcsnc/Board.nsf/Public and click on “Meetings” to view the full agenda.
Schools Superintendent Dr. Jason Atkinson is expected to discuss with the board a draft proposal to check with families of fourth grade students at East Arcadia, Dublin and Bladen Lakes to have those students remain at their elementary schools for another year. Currently, there are 24 fourth-grade students enrolled at Bladen Lakes, 44 at Dublin and seven at East Arcadia.
The board is expected to vote on the 2023-24 recruitment and retention plan of staff. Under the proposal, full-time employees could receive a $2,000 bonus and part-time employees could receive a $1,000 bonus for remaining with the school system.