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During the COVID-19 outbreak, people do not have to stay indoors while practicing social distancing. There are state parks and forests to explore. Hans-Christian Rohr, Registered Forester 864 with North Carolina Forest Service, is the Forest Supervisor at Bladen Lakes State Forest. Rohr announced Friday, Bladen Lakes State Forest is open to the public, but social distancing still needs to be practiced.


For the safety of visitors and staff and in support of social distancing, the N.C. Forest Service is implementing common-sense safety measures at every State Forest, Rohr stated. “This is being done to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to ensure our State Forests remain beautiful places for families and visitors to enjoy recreation and respite.” 


On a brighter note, the great outdoors has not been canceled. Fresh air can help boost your immune system and provide you with much-needed reprieve from extended periods of time spent indoors, Rohr explains.


Rohr offered a reminder, “We encourage you to take advantage of setting out on a trail and exploring Bladen Lakes State Forest. Just remember to follow social distancing guidelines to help us keep forests open as safe places during the COVID-19 pandemic.”


He added, “As a partner, we ask that you share this information with other stakeholders who may look to the Forest for peace during this challenging time.”


View the Social Distancing Policy now: Social_Distancing_Guidelines_Forests_3-26-20

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