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Bladen Lodge 646 of Elizabethtown honored several members on Saturday morning with a Brothers’ Breakfast and certificates for those celebrating 25 years, 50 years and 60 years as Masons. Attending the breakfast were widows, Past Lodge Masters, current Lodge officers, Brethern, and their friends and family members.
“We congratulate you on your service to the Lodge and the community,” said Brother Michael Wyatt of the award recipients.
Receiving 60 Diamond Jubilee Awards were David Shaw and David Clark. The awards ceremony was presided over by Horace Wyatt, Secretary and Michael Wyatt who serves a District Deputy Grand Master and Senior Warden of Lodge 646. Both received a certificate and pin marking the accomplishment.
“We congratulate you on your service to the Lodge and the community,” said Brother Michael Wyatt.
“I thank this Lodge for all they do,” said Clark. He added, “The more you put into it the more you get out of it.”
The 50 year certificate was to be presented to Brother Sterling Ray Baker who was unable to attend the ceremony.
The 25 year Master Masons certificates were presented to Daniel Allen, Rufus Wendell Gardner, Basil DeWit White Jr., and Hal Shaw. Also, receiving certificates but unable to attend the ceremony were David Hales Jr., Johnny Ray Jackson, Larry Smith, William Harold Smith, Norman Leroy Tatum, David Bryan Thompson and David Allen Wilkes. Each was presented a certificate and pin honoring their accomplishment.
“This is the third Brothers’ Breakfast of the year which we used for the purpose of honoring our 25, 50 and 60-year award recipients. Those brothers have lived their responsibilities, and the number of years and honored us with their service and because of that I felt privileged to honor them before their peers, family, and friends, “said Job Connor, Lodge Master.
Connor added, “We have enjoyed the fellowship of this morning with our family and friends and look forward to more of this in the coming year.”


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