Spread the love

By Erin Smith

The Clarkton Town Board voted in their Tuesday meeting to approve a contract with the North Carolina Department of Corrections for inmate labor at a cost of $8,183. The contract calls for four inmates to be provided to the town five days per week to assist with various tasks.

During discussion of the matter, Public Works Director Chris Hall told the board they have to approve the contract and financing. Once approved, the information can be submitted to the Tabor Correctional Institute in Tabor City for the town to be added as a participant in the program.

“Who will supervise them?” asked citizen Linda Croom.

“They (town staff) will be trained,” said Town Commissioner Tim Tart.

The board voted unanimously to approve the agreement.

In other business, David Butler appeared before the board to request they reconsider a receipt he submitted from Lowes Home Improvement for plants he purchased for the R. M. Butler Park. The board had rejected reimbursing Butler for the plants at their August meeting because he did not request a purchase order from the town.

“I wasn’t aware there had been a change in the policy,” said Butler. He explained he had been purchasing plants for the park since 1999.

Town Commissioner Jerome Myers asked Butler if the plants in question have been installed at the park. Butler said they had not as he was waiting for cooler weather before planting the shrubs.

Town Commissioner Lawrence McDougald expressed concerns about the size the shrubs will reach and placing an undue burden on Public Works trying to keep them pruned. Butler said he did not realize the last shrubs he installed would grow so tall. He assured the board the shrubs he selected this time will only reach 2 to 3 feet in size.

The board directed Butler to present the receipt to the town’s Beautification Committee for approval. If approved, the Committee will then present receipt to the board for reimbursement.

In other business:

*The board heard concerns from Linda Croom regarding street lights that are not working along US 701 and in other areas where individuals walk for exercise. The board directed Town Clerk Kentrina Woods to contact Duke Energy to repair the lights.

*Mrs. Croom also spoke to the board about dogs at the Lasley home which charge at those who are walking past. Town Clerk Kentrina Woods told the board a letter has been written to the Lasleys in the past regarding the dogs and the town has not received a response.

Town Commissioner Myers requested Woods make contact with the Lasley family and request they appear before the board at the October meeting regarding the matter.

*Public Works Director Chris Hall told the board he is preparing to resubmit a grant application to help with the purchase of a new screen for the town’s wastewater treatment plant.

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