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“Keeping Bladen Beautiful” this is just one of the many things Bladen County Sheriff’s Office has been working on the last couple months. Employee Jesse Anderson oversees and supervises the Sheriff’s Office inmate trash pickup program.

The Sheriff’s Office utilizes 4 to 5 misdemeanor confinement inmates to pick up trash along Bladen County highways. Each inmate volunteers for the program and can earn days off of their sentence for participating in the program.

Shown below are just a few pictures of the work that has been put into keeping our county clean. A jail van that was converted to accommodate the inmates and the program. The van carries water for the inmates to clean their hands and drink as well as a port-a-potty for bathroom facilities.

The program began in 2017 but was suspended in 2020 due to pandemic. It was started back up in January of this year. The state still maintains the main highways and this program is used to clean the secondary roads. Deputies notify the office of roads where excess amounts of litter are noticed. Citizens are also encouraged to report secondary roads that need cleaning. Since January of this year over 1200 large bags of trash have been collected by the Sheriff’s Office.

“I have been very pleased with our inmate trash program, said Sheriff McVicker. “ It gives the inmates something to do for the community while earning time off of their sentence for the work and it keeps our Bladen County highways looking clean and beautiful”

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