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By Haylie Robinson

Registering a student for Driver’s Education can be super confusing, according to some local parents; there are many steps, different web pages to travel to, and figuring out if someone is eligible to sign up. Other things go into class registration, such as if enrollment is open during the needed time period or if your child is 14 and a half years old or older. This article is a step-by-step how to get your child signed up for Driver’s Education according to information provided by Bladen County Schools.

First, is your student at least 14 and a half years old? The child needs to be the age required the on or before the first day of the chosen Driver’s Education Class. If the answer is yes, they meet the age requirement; check to see if registration is open, then you’re ready for the next step.

The second step is to go on the Bladen County Schools website; the link is provided here. Then find the dates on the right-hand side of the website. The public school lists more information on this website that go into grave detail about registration, information about public school students’ eligibility versus private school students’ eligibility, the website to sign your child up on, and more.

The third step is to find the Google Registration Form on the Driver Education website and fill that out. The registration form helps enroll students into a class to learn the criteria for driving before actually having to go.

The fourth and final step is to pay the 65-dollar fee through the PayPal link on the Drivers Education website. The payment will only be accepted online. This is the final step in signing up someone for Driver’s Education Class.

There are other important topics on the Schools’ website that guardians and students should read together because it covers what the class does, class time, the criteria, and more.

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