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The General Election of 2022 is over and the voters of Bladen County have made their choice of the new Clerk of Superior Court. A huge “THANK YOU” is extended to my family, my campaign team, and my supporters who believed in me and found trust and integrity in my campaign platform. My steadfast “THANKS” to all the citizens of Bladen County who found it vital to put aside all the “DOOM AND GLOOM DIVISIVENESS” hovering over our political parties. You made the conscious choice to vote for the PERSON and not the POLITICAL PARTY. Surely, there will come a day when all titles will be no more and we will be asked the question, “what did I do to help someone else.” Proclaiming our Christian beliefs must be visible in our daily walk and not just as a campaign platform. Thank you for recognizing my experience with the Clerk of Superior Court, the personal encounters we have had, and my desire to maintain and restore professionalism, kindness, respect, patience, employee morale, and working knowledge to the daily operations of the Clerk’s Office. This was my foundation as an employee of this office. While this election may have brought closure to my political career in the judiciary, it will not diminish my desire to be involved in civic and community affairs. This is a  challenge that I extend to all citizens of Bladen County in order to preserve and nurture the growth of our great county. For me, volunteerism brings a sense of completeness and accomplishment to my daily walk of life. While social media may have a long reach, it cannot match the “boots on the ground” method of our willingness to help others. I have no regrets in my bid for the office of Clerk of Superior Court for Bladen County. As I frequently spoke on this journey, “what God has for me, will be for me.” It was not the Will of God for me to hold this position and I will always be obedient to His will. My 30 years of service with the Clerk’s Office ended on a high note. My service to Bladen County beginning in 1992 as a Deputy Clerk of Superior Court and ended with retiring as an Assistant Clerk of Court in 2021 was a great career. I supervised the Civil Division for 15 years with dedication, professionalism, and hard work……following the judicial laws of North Carolina helping everyone with a smile. That part of me will never change because it’s who I am and not who I became during this campaign. I pray God’s speed to the new Clerk of Superior Court V. Cristin Hursey and her staff as well as the retiring Clerk of Superior Court the Honorable Niki S. Dennis. For those who may ask the question, why I chose this time to run? I will share that my loyalty to Clerk of Court Niki Dennis came as a promise to her that as long as I worked for her, I would not challenge her position as Clerk. My judicial career was an awesome journey and I value all Clerks of Superior Court and fellow co-workers that I called my judicial family. God bless all the citizens
of Bladen County.

Respectfully submitted,
Althea Dixon Weaver

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