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Bladen County Republicans–take note!!  This IS important news for the conservative Republican movement in North Carolina!!  
Their newsletter states:  The Southeastern NC Young Republicans would like to invite you to their first meeting in a new decade! We will soon be a charter of the North Carolina Federation of Young Republicans comprised of Brunswick, Bladen, and Columbus County registered republicans between the ages of 18-40. 
We have many goals and plans to motivate this demographic in knowledge and action within local, state, and federal politics. We will be discussing more details at our meeting where we hope all Republicans will attend to stand behind our organization and/or become a member. We are excited to meet you!
January 30, 2020  |  7:00 PM-8:00 PM
at Carolina National Golf Club
Follow our social media: Instagram (@southeasternncyr) Facebook (Southeastern NC Young Republicans)
*If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us at: southeasternncyr@gmail.com, or message us on social media.

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