Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingTwo more filings yesterday for the November Municipal elections, both Bladenboro incumbent Town Commissioners, Billy Ray Benson and Jeff Atkinson.

Still no filings for Dublin, East Arcadia and Tar Heel and only one from Clarkton (2 seats on town board will be open in November).

Not uncommon for the filing season to begin with a ‘bang’, drag-on for a while and pick up again just before the deadline.  This year that date is noontime Friday, July 21 (a week from tomorrow).

Thanks to the helpful folks at the Bladen County Board of Elections for the update.

Browsing the Internet recently, discovered that the new $13M plus construction project at the intersection of NC 87 & US 701 is about 75% complete and pretty much on schedule. The latest completion date is 3/21/2018. I was thinking it was to be completed in the fall of 2017. I was wrong, again.

If you have been waiting for hot weather, the wait is over. I think about following a mule or horse through a field north of Bladenboro, as a youngster and promising myself farming would not be my long-time occupation. At 14 years of age, I found a better job at Hinson’s Super Market. Air conditioned, a piece of cake compared to plowing, behind a mule, on a 90-plus degree day under clear skies and little or no breeze, thanks to JZ and Sally Hinson.

Come to think of it, seldom see anyone plowing their garden with a mule or horse, anymore.

Check our Events section that includes a fun time this evening at the Cape Fear Farmers Market in Elizabethtown and it’s FREE.

But if you figure in the wind chill factor, it’s only 102.  Dave Marr

It is so hot….I saw a dog chasing a cat and they were both walking.  Anonymous

It ain’t the heat; it’s the ‘humility’.   Yogi Berra

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