Thoughts While Shaving
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Thoughts While ShavingStormy weather played havoc with many outdoor events yesterday and last night, including local high school football games as remnants of Hurricane Harvey came calling.

The Midway at West Bladen match up was postponed early in the game, with the score tied at 6-6. Game to be resumed Monday at 7:30 PM. The North Brunswick at East Bladen game was postponed until Monday at 7 PM. Check our sports page for updates.

There is a possibility of more bad weather today, but improving later in the Labor Day weekend.

Enjoy your Labor Day weekend, but watch for updates on Hurricane Irma. It’s still churning in the Atlantic, a very strong storm with direction to be determined. Forecasters indicate there is a chance it will “curve away from the U.S., however could come a little too close for comfort for the East Coast.”

So much happening with so many ‘on the go’ this Labor Day holiday.

Gas prices are all over the board, some slightly higher, some dramatically higher, bad timing for travelers this weekend, hopefully prices return to normal…..soon.

Enjoy if you can, work it you must, life is all about adjustments.

God give me work, till my life shall end.  And life, till my life is done.  Epitaph of Winfred Holtby

Work is not man’s punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure.

Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.  Confucius

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