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Since I serve on the Board for our Drug/Alcohol Rehab ministry I have an inside track into what is currently taking place there. We have now had our 8th client check into Carolina Crossroads. Although we were not expecting to begin rehab efforts for another month, the need is so great and word is getting around there is help available. The phone is steadily ringing from those needing help and we have people stopping by asking how they can check a family member in.

I fully expect us to be at occupancy level (24 men) by the time July 1st, our original start date, comes.

Please pray for this ministry. We have no hope of helping these men rehabilitate apart from Christ. They will be having devotions every morning, Bible studies every evening and will be working 1/2 day with their hands to accomplish something to help themselves and the ministry. There will also be counseling from the staff and mentoring from those further along in the rehab process.

I would love the opportunity to speak briefly during a service to let your folks know how this is working. If I am not available I may be able to get our Director or Manager come. In the meanwhile, the financial needs are present and we ask you to consider us when you draw up budgets. How can you help?

Bruce Cannon

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