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This past week Storm Frith a Bladen County resident announced she has been called to the mission field. Frith who was once an art teacher wants to help reach the Roma Gypsy people of Hungary.

A GoFundMe page has been started to assist Frith with her mission. Below is the information Frith shared on the page along with the link.

“ Dear Family and friends,

I am writing you to share some of the desires of my heart and the call I feel the Lord has placed on my life, and asking you to prayerfully sow into these desires and callings through financial seeds of blessings. A lot of you have already been a part of the planting of what the Lord has done by supporting me in my missions trips to Hungary the last couple of years for which I am most grateful. In returning to the US last summer, I heard the Lord speak to me that He will enable me to GO and share His love with the nations! Specifically the Roma Gypsy people of Hungary.

The Lord has called, and I have said YES! Here I am Lord, send me!I’m currently working with North Carolina Baptists on Mission in communication with Hungarian Baptist Aid to set up the process of moving to Hungary potentially this summer for at least a year long commitment. I will go technically as an English Teacher working in the schools to help teach English to young students, but the door for much outreach is wide open.

It is my desire to continue to build on the relationships that have been established with the translators, teachers, and families in the Ibran community and surrounding areas where I served the last two summers. I would also be a part of helping to build several church plants locally, helping with after school clubs and bible classes. The Lord has provided many open doors. There is much sickness and poverty in these areas and I’m believing and expecting to see God move mightily! My heart desires to be in tune with the Father’s heartbeat and to be His hands and feet. To be a willing vessel to reach the unreachable. To love the unlovely. To take the time to minister to the one God places in my path each day. Although it is a big sacrifice to leave all I have and all I know and move to a foreign country, I am honored to be called and set apart for the Lord in building His kingdom! I am blessed to have people like you who are willing to take part in the vision by sending me! It will require much financial support to go and serve as a missionary in Hungary. This is where you can help.

I am praying that the Lord will move in your heart to offer a seed of blessing to Him by supporting me. This call is definitely stretching my faith that the Lord will provide for all my needs!Thank you in advance for your generous giving and your kindness towards me. I pray the Lord will bless you mightily in return for what you have given! Prayers are always greatly appreciated!!Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Much Love and Blessings in Christ,Storm Frith”

Visit her link at:  https://www.gofundme.com/ 56ug5pk

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