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Tar Heel Middle School’s Beta Club members did something last week they haven’t done in a long, long time — they decided to go “big” at the annual Junior Beta Club Convention, competing with middle school students from all across the state in a myriad of categories.  The Panthers’ work paid off when they came home from Greensboro last Wednesday night with a stack of awards in both group and individual competitions.

Tar Heel Principal Teresa Coleman said she was exceptionally proud of her students.  “I am very pleased with the success of our Beta Club,” Ms. Coleman said.  “Beta provides opportunities for students to showcase talent and excel academically or in the arts. I am thankful for staff members who support their students and help provide this experience for them. I am extremely proud of all of the success that Tar Heel Beta had this year and hope we continue to grow. Go, PANTHERS!!”
Five Beta sponsors, two additional Panther staff, and a handful of parent chaperones — and even several grandparents — accompanied 58 of Tar Heel’s students to the convention in Greensboro.  Students entered competitions that appealed to their individual talents and interests, as well as several group categories.  They prepared as much as they could ahead of time (including raising funds to pay for their trip) and were excited to represent Tar Heel Middle and all of Bladen County.
THMS Beta Sponsor Noel Dennis said, “I can’t even express how extremely proud I am of all of the Beta Club students at Tar Heel! The members who attended the convention really gave their all and demonstrated how smart and talented they are!”
Tar Heel’s winners include:
Elementary Division (5th Grade):
Color Photography – 1st place, Noah German
Poetry- 2nd place, Awnnica Ringer
Math- 4th place, Noah German
Jewelry- 4th place, Ellie Kinlaw
Social Studies- 5th place, Armando Reyna Vicenio
Book Battle- 5th place, Melissa Garcia Ortiz, Oliver Freese, Ethan Wil-Dey
Junior Division (Grades 6-8):
Science- 3rd place, Alex Basilio Ortiz
Group Junior Division (Grades 6-8):
Portfolio- 3rd place
All of the Tar Heel Beta sponsors beamed with pride when talking about their students.
Sponsor Theressa Lewis said, “We could not ask for a better group of students. I am so proud of them.”
Sponsor Michelle Bordeaux added, “I’ve never been so proud to be a Panther! The teamwork displayed by Beta warmed my heart! I can’t wait for next year!”
Sponsor Kimberly Smith commented, “We have the best kids in Bladen County, and I’m proud of our club and our winners. Go, Panthers!”
Sponsor Priscilla Council said, “Tar Heel Beta club members and sponsors are the best!”
All of the sponsors stated that it was truly a team effort.  Mrs. Dennis, a first-time Beta sponsor, said it was a wonderful experience for her personally.  “I am so fortunate to have worked with the wonderful group of sponsors we had this year!” Mrs. Dennis said.  “We all worked together with the kids in mind. Ms. Coleman is always so supportive of the students and staff; it’s wonderful! Mr. Brendan McCarthy and Mr. Brett Jackson really made the convention possible! They supervised kids, made sure students and projects arrived in the proper places at the right times, and were so willing to help all of the sponsors! We also had a great group of parents who helped make our trip to the convention awesome.”
The Tar Heel Betas will be recognized Monday night at the Bladen Board of Education meeting.
The Beta Club was founded in 1934 and accepts students who are recommended by their teachers and meet the 3.0 GPA requirement.  Beta focuses on community service and trains youth to become the next group of our nation’s leaders.  Beta holds annual state conventions in 18 states both for Senior (grades 9-12) and Junior (grades 4-8) divisions.  Winners of the state events go on to compete on a national level.
All of the Tar Heel Middle winners are now eligible to compete at the national convention which will be held in June in Fort Worth, Texas.
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