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This Day In History1684 – A patent was granted for the thimble.

1846 – The Mexican-American War ignited as a result of disputes over claims to Texas boundaries. The outcome of the war fixed Texans’ southern boundary at the Rio Grande River.

1860 – The first Japanese diplomats to visit a foreign power reached Washington, D.C. They remained in the U.S. capital for several weeks while discussing expansion of trade with the United States.

1898 – The U.S. declared war on Spain. Spain had declared war on the U.S. the day before.

1901 – New York became the first state to require license plates for cars. The fee was $1.

1928 – A seeing eye dog was used for the first time.

1945 – Delegates from about 50 countries met in San Francisco to organize the United Nations.

1953 – U.S. Senator Wayne Morse ended the longest speech in U.S. Senate history. The speech on the Offshore Oil Bill lasted 22 hours and 26 minutes.

1954 – The prototype manufacture of the first solar battery was announced by the Bell Laboratories in New York City.

1961 – Robert Noyce was granted a patent for the integrated circuit.

1962 – The U.S. spacecraft, Ranger, crashed on the Moon.

1967 – Colorado Governor John Love signed the first law legalizing abortion in the U.S. The law was limited to therapeutic abortions when agreed to, unanimously, by a panel of three physicians.

1980 – In Iran, a commando mission to rescue hostages was aborte after mechanical problems disabled three of the eight helicopters involved. During the evacuation, a helicopter and a transport plane collided and exploded. Eight U.S. servicemen were killed. The mission was aimed at freeing American hostages that had been taken at the U.S. embassy in Tehran on November 4, 1979. The event took place April 24th Washington, D.C. time.

1982 – In accordance with Camp David agreements, Israel completed it Sinai withdrawal.

1984 – David Anthony Kennedy, the son of Robert F. Kennedy, was found dead of a drug overdose in a hotel room.

1985 – “Big River (The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn)” opened at the Eugene O’Neill Theater on Broadway in New York City.

1987 – In Washington, D.C., 100,000 people protested the U.S. policy in Central America.

1990 – The U.S. Hubble Space Telescope was placed into Earth’s orbit. It was released by the space shuttle Discovery.

1998 – U.S. first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton was questioned by Whitewater prosecutors on videotape about her work as a private lawyer for the failed savings and loan at the center of the investigation.

2007 – The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 13,000 for the first time.

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