Thoughts While Shaving
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FYI….NC State Fair begins today and continues thru Sunday, October 25th.

Frost normally arrives late October….could be as early as Monday and Tuesday of next week….

The Bladen County Shriners Fish Fry appears to have been another success…..Weather was perfect…large crowd when I made my purchase and the food was very good. There were two sites….Bladenboro and Elizabethtown….Only thing missing at the E-town site was John Creech…He and Jimmy Smith have sold the plates for years….John has had some health problems…hopefully on the mend……He visited the E-town site….I know he visited…saw his pic, along with his bride, on BladenOnline….

Politics makes strange bedfellows….Dem’s condemn Republicans following their debates…and R’s condemn all D’s following theirs…

I attempted to develop a profile for me for the next president…..Did not get far……at least mid 50’s….strong business background…..political experience at the national level…..(someone with more than one term experience in DC) broadminded enough to reach out to both parties, realizing that one party (either party) is not always right…A president who can deal with three parties….(what we have now)…

Guess no one can be elected without support of Koch brothers or labor unions….How did we get here? Wonder if Washington or Lincoln, or framers of the system would approve of the way we operate today?

Saw where Donald Trump indicated he would like John Kasich as his running mate…….I Google’d Kasich…..Impressive, as are several others in both parties…not sure what kind of president any will make……A year from now….at least we will know who the parties have selected as their standard-bearer and their VP selection….Usually, the silent majority makes the final decision, with assistance of those with the deepest pockets.

In recent years I have attempted to avoid discussions related to the political process…Frankly, I disagree with both parties…..Can you imagine another year of this? Whatever we think….best system on earth….I think….

We are tough…we can do it…

A rich man told me recently that a liberal is a man/woman who tells other people what to do with their money. Amiri Baraka

A conservative is someone who believes in reform….but not now. Mort Sahl

I have learned the difference between a cactus and a caucus; on a cactus, the pricks are on the outside. Morris Udall

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