Thoughts While Shaving
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To be perfectly honest….I do not shave on Saturdays…..unless a very, very special occasion…and that is not the case today…
Don’t think I want to live in California….It seems the fires are bigger and do more damage than in other parts of the states and now it is mudslides…Our prayers go out to those suffering from either….
Hurricane Hazel came calling in 1954….I strive for perfection….at my age, may never reach that goal…Have folks correcting me all the time…and I like that…don’t apologize….I am so pleased you read Thoughts While Shaving…
I miss a more active role in BladenOnline….I have two positions….wide-open or a complete stop…..No one to blame but me….I am attempting to adjust….to being a full-time senior citizen……BladenOnline is fun….but work…and the folks that I have had the pleasure of working with are such professionals with one goal…..report the news of Bladen, for Bladen County residents by Bladen County residents…We cover the meetings and other events and do an original article….Our reward is hearing folks mention about reading BladenOnline….We sell advertising…to cover the cost….We are told our advertising produces results…(Always heard that If it cost nothing usually worth about the same).  BladenOnline’s best is Yet To Come.
And our weekly numbers indicate we are providing a valuable service….With one exception, it has been a routine week…news wise…Unfortunately we had a murder in the county, but fortunately there was an arrest a few hours later…other than that a ho-hum news week….When we exceed 100,000 visits in a week, we think we are doing OK….It is not like we are sitting around counting….Google Analytics provide our numbers….and they do not play games….Just the facts…
Both high schools were successful last night…Check articles on our sports page…Original articles….no clipping or re-writes…the original…..
I sound like a broken record on weekends…but Bladen is busy this day…..Beauty pageant in Bladenboro, a fun day at the county park on US 701 south of E-town sponsored by our folks on the front line of emergencies…law enforcement, fireman, EMS….playing softball and other family type events…and revivals and homecomings…Check our Events section…Our friends at Jones Lake and BCC are constantly providing educational activities…
We are blest…a huge county and just 35,000 or so of us to share.
Looking for a bigger crowd….The State Fair is underway….about 2 hours away.
I enjoy a quick trip to the mountains annually….Think I may take a break from retirement (doing very little) and work it into the schedule this week…….
Fun, laughter, and joy are among the world’s cheapest and best medicines.  Give yourself large doses of these often.  Catherine Ponder
Seek to be love, to be wisdom, to be life,…..and let the results take care of themselves.
When you don’t feel the way you ought to act, if you just act the way you ought to feel, then you will feel the way you ought to act.  William James.
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