Thoughts While Shaving
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What do you know about cryptocurrency? Bitcoin? Robinhood? Just a few names tossed about more and more as a new way to buy, sell and trade … I do not understand … Understand about dollars, quarters, dimes and pennies … well, sort of. Understand it is not new, been around for a while … Think I will stick with what I understand…

Filing for municipal offices is set to begin Friday, July 2, unless more changes due to the pandemic … If all goes as currently planned, the filing date is just 11 weeks away … Stay tuned, check with Bladen County Board of Elections for more info, their phone number is 910-862-6951

Deadline for filing taxes, state and federal, is May 17 … normally tax forms should be in the mail by April 15 … but, this is not a normal year.

More hype about the changes, updates at White Lake … work still progressing … Some great articles from long ago on Facebook … brings back so many memories…

Ever think about church attendance, if every service was as well attended as Easter? … and they should be…

I enjoy occasional visits to all Bladen County towns … I think back to a time when there was much more activity, think about the businesses and personalities from long ago…

A lot of sick folks in the area … keep them and their families in thoughts and prayers…

“It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” Lena Horne

“The secret to life is to love who you are – warts and all.” David DeNotaris

“It is funny how the absence of something is the heaviest to carry.” author unknown

robert g hester

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