By Hannah Davis, WBHS FFA Reporter
West Bladen’s FFA chapter received a grant from Cape Fear Farm Credit that allowed the agriculture students to plan, design, and build a project of their choice. The chapter and classes decided to build handicap accessible raised beds. Horticulture classes applied skills learned in class to choose the most practical design. The agriculture mechanics class practiced their mechanical skills while working in teams to assemble the beds. Staff of Cape Fear Farm Credit assisted in the design process, delivered the supplies and helped construct the beds with the students.
On Tuesday, December 17th, WBHS FFA members and the Bladenboro Police Chief, William Howell, went to West Bladen Assisted Living facility in Bladenboro, NC. The students, Police Chief, and residents spread holiday joy by caroling together. Students brought useful items such as toothpaste, socks, fruit, soap, shampoo, etc. for the residents. These items were donated by both WBHS FCCLA and WBHS FFA members.