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By Haylie Robinson

With today being “Pi Day” here is a review of the history of Pi Day. The March 14th celebration recognizes the number known as pi.

The history of pi originates back to 287-212 B.C., but it was recognized by the Greek letter π in the 18th century. This number is significant to mathematicians because it’s an infinite number representing the continuous ratio of a circle’s circumference.

This holiday was founded in 1988 by physicist Larry Shaw on March 14th, matching 3.14, the first three numbers in pi, with the American government making it an actual national holiday in 2009.

Pi Day is celebrated in many ways, with festivals and various pie foods. Scientists and mathematicians hope this holiday and celebrations will bring some light to more people who want to major in S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and convinces people to get jobs in the S.T.E.M field.

A few facts about Pi Day are:

• A famous mathematician and physicist, Albert Einstein, was born on March 14th, 1879.

• The history of Egypt involves pi because the pyramids were said to be built with the principles of pi.

• Pi is known to have over 22 trillion placements, with more to come, which means we never know the actual circumference of a circle.

• The symbol of pi was first used over 200 years ago.

• The exact number for pi cannot be calculated.

More websites to find more facts about Pi Day and pi are:

Know 10 Surprisingly Interesting Facts About Pi

10 Fun Facts About Pi Day

25 Surprising Facts About Pi (Numbered With Images)

So with all of this talk about Pi Day today, make a fruit pie or a pot pie, share it with some friends and family, and explain the history of pi and why it’s so essential.

Image at top of story by Freepik

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