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Otis EvansRelay for Life has a 5K Bunny Fun Run and a Golf Tournament scheduled soon by Otis Evans. The 5K will be held March 26th in Bladenboro and the Golf Tournament will be held April 8th. All proceeds, excluding expenses will benefit the American Cancer Society.

The events’ organizer, Evans is a cancer survivor of less than one year. He has also been a caregiver. His first wife, Charlotte “Bit” Evans, was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996 and passed away in 2009.

Also, his brother, Thomas, was diagnosed with melanoma cancer in July of 2007 and later died in October of the same year.

Evans said, “As if all of this wasn’t bad enough, I lost my mother as a result of an accident in July 2007. Very trying times!”

He explained, “I started supporting the American Cancer Society in 1997 on a regular basis via local Relay for Life Events; I have supported through various fundraising events as well as through my own personal donations.”

Evans remarried and has increased his support to try and find a cure for cancer that has affected him and his family. He said, “I want to continue to make a difference in my community in 2016. This year, Donna and I are planning two charity events with all proceeds benefiting the American Cancer Society.”

**5K Bunny Fun Run – March 26, 2016

**Golf Tournament – April 8, 2016

Currently he is looking for sponsorships to help with funding of prizes, door prizes, t-shirts, memorandum type gifts, gift cards, food; drinks; etc., and other miscellaneous items that may be needed to make these events successful.

For more information about the events or for the registration forms you may visit: https://bladencounty.org/5k-bunny-fun-run-relay-for-life/

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