Thoughts While Shaving
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Ever wonder what the most commonly ask questions are? Depends on who ask who I suppose, but Google compiled their most ask questions in 2011:

#10 – What is Google?
#9 – What is gout?
#8 – What is Lupus?
#7 – What is Autism?
#6 – What is Dubstep?
#5 – What is Skype?
#4 – What is gluten?
#3 – What is Twitter?
#2 – What is planking?
#1 – What is love?

None I ask, so what were the most commonly ask questions in 2016, as compiled by Google?

#10 – What is Superdelegate?
#9 – What is Citizens United?
#8 – What is the European Union?
#7 – What is the mannequin challenge?
#6 – What is Allepo?
#5 – What is the Electoral College?
#4 – What are electoral votes?
#3 – What is Brexit?
#2 – What is a Caucus?
#1 – What is Pokémon Go?

Have a question about any of the above or anything else? Google Google.

An expert knows all the answers – if you ask the right question. Levi Strauss

Asking the right questions takes as much skill as giving the right answers. Robert Half

I don’t think we’ve asked the right questions, the tough questions, a the right time in Washington.

robert g. hester

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