Spread the love

By Blake Proctor

With Councilmember Lillian Graham absent, Mayor Perry Blanks gaveled the November 9 th East Arcadia monthly Council meeting to order at 7:04pm. After the Mayor provided the invocation, the standard monthly minutes and finance report housekeeping approval chores of were swiftly dispatched.

The first actual action item on the agenda was to hear those wishing to address the Board. Citizens Delisa Graham and Vereta Bowen appeared to request the use of the old Town Hall for a food bank location on the third Thursday of each month.

Although they are just getting this non-profit project under way, they already have another eight volunteers to help distribute the food; however, they had to be sure of a location before proceeding with securing food sources.

On a motion by Councilmember Horace Munn and a second by Councilmember Pamela Graham, the Board voted unanimously to approve the use of the old Town Hall for this endeavor. Ms. Delisa Graham assured the Board that they would keep the Town “in the loop” with periodic progress updates to Town Clerk Josephine Smith.

Under Council Reports, there was nothing to report from the Finance Committee. Under Street & Roads, Councilmember Munn informed the Board that only normal streets maintenance is going on, to include bush-hogging rights of way.

Councilmember Pamela Graham of the Parks, Recreation, Buildings & Grounds Committee, reminded the Board that at last month’s meeting, she had informed them that fencing contractors would be at the park the following weekend to provide estimates on fencing the Old Gym park as part of the grant the Town had received to rehab the gym proper.

She stated that these were only estimates, and ranges from “approximately $11,000” to $13,800; these estimates were for residential grade (light duty) chain link fencing, rather than heavy grade industrial fencing.

Councilmember Munn told the Board that the $15,000 disinfectant machine as well as the disinfectant liquid has come in, and he will be using the machine this coming weekend to begin disinfecting Town Hall. The funding for this machine has come from the county’s Covid19 grant funds it received from the state.

Town Clerk Smith informed the Council that the purchase of the other material – hand sanitizer, et cetera – from Amazon had been delayed because the Town used its Debit card rather than the Credit card; she has cancelled that order and reordered through Quill.

There being no further business for the Board to consider, the Council adjourned the meeting at 6:21pm.

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