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Duke EnergySomeone claiming to be a representative of Duke Energy is calling the utility giant’s customers and demanding payment of alleged past due electric bills. Duke Energy sent a recorded message to customers letting them know of a scam where the caller threatens to shut off the victim’s electricity if they don’t make a payment of a past due bill using a prepaid debit card.

Duke Energy’s website reports this scam has been reported in at least five different states. Duke Energy offers the following tips to help distinguish a legitimate call from a potential scam call.

*If you are asked to pay by prepaid debit card, this is a red flag. Duke Energy warns that making a payment with a prepaid debit card is similar to a cash transaction and it cannot be reversed.

*If the caller insists on having payment right away, this is a red flag. Duke Energy advises ending the call and calling back to the telephone number on your electric bill. This will ensure you are speaking to legitimate representative of Duke Energy.

If you suspect the telephone call is a scam, hang up and call the local police department and report it.

Do not give out any personal information. Duke Energy’s website states the company never asks customers to pay late bills with prepaid debit cards. Customers can make payment online, through automatic bank draft, in person or by mail.

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