Bladen Presbyterian Parish Council to host MLK Celebration
Monday, January 19, the Bladen Presbyterian Parish Council will again host a Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day observance and gratis light lunch at Elizabethtown Presbyterian Church Activities Center (“PAC”), the building immediately behind the sanctuary and educational building. The event will begin shortly after the community Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Parade is complete. The Parade begins at 11 a.m. The church is located at 800 West Broad Street, opposite the municipal building.
Speaker for the occasion will be Antonio M.K. Lawrence of Rocky Mount, Special Assistant to the Pastor of Faith Presbyterian Church, Goldsboro. Mr. Lawrence is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary with a concentration in social ethics, religion in society, and homiletics. His undergraduate studies were at Johnson C. Smith University.
The Bladen Parrish consists of eight Presbyterian congregations in Bladen and Columbus counties.
The Parish Council and Rev. Chris Denny, pastor of the host church, invites everyone to attend.and celebrate the legacy of Dr. King.