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The Elizabethtown-White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce and partners are planning to kick off the Year of the Trail Festival Weekend over President’s Day Weekend in true outdoor fashion with a campfire at the Cape Fear Farmers Market.

In conjunction with the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and the North Carolina State Parks, the Chamber will welcome the Black Folks Camp Too founder Earl B. Hunter Jr. and company who will begin the weekend on February 17 at 5:30 p.m. with “Increasing More Unity in the Outdoor Community and Beyond: Campfire Conversations with Black Folks Camp Too,” followed by a live premier of their Year of the Trail film series.

Black Folks Camp Too’s mission is to remove fear, add knowledge, and invite more folks to camp and enjoy the outdoor lifestyle with anyone and everyone. At the center of BFCT’s logo is the Unity Blaze, which means “Treat Everyone, Everywhere, Equally.” Your race, age, and gender do not matter. We all have something to say around the campfire. You can learn more about Black Folks Camp Too, their mission, and Unity Blaze Initiatives at blackfolkscamptoo.com.

After the presentation and film premier, Bladen County’s own Walter “Nubbins” Bullock will entertain with campfire stories and local folklore. Bullard is well known for his years of sitting around the campfire as a Scout leader.

Sonny Jones
Author: Sonny Jones

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