Spread the love

By Cara Beth Lewis 

On Monday, December 15th, the Bladenboro branch of Bladen County Public Libraries (Bridger Memorial Library) will host their Christmas party for children.

The party will be from 6 pm until 7 pm at the library, with the theme being “The Night Before Christmas.” The book “The Night Before Christmas” will be read, of course! Additionally, there will be Christmas-themed games, crafts, and photo opportunities.

Monika, a library assistant at Bridger Memorial Library, says “We also have a surprise or two!”

Be sure to call Bridger Memorial Library to RSVP, due to limited spacing. (910)863-4586.

Bridger Memorial Library is located at 313 Main Street in Bladenboro.

Update: The date of Bridger Memorial Library’s Christmas party has been changed. It is now scheduled for December 15th, 2021. 

staff report
Author: staff report

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