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Dublin Town Meeting
By: Erin Smith
The Dublin town board met on Monday and voted unanimously to allow Withers and Ravenel to create an asset management plan for the town for their water and sewer department.
Mayor Horace Wyatt told the board that the asset management plan would give the town as much as 10 additional points towards a grant application. He told the board that applications for water and sewer grants are not as strong without an asset management plan in place.
He presented two proposals to the board –one from the Lumber River Council of Government and one from Withers and Ravenel. Wyatt said that Withers and Ravenel already have a lot of the information needed to create an asset management plan because of the work they have done with the town in the past.
Wyatt said the LRCOG proposal would require them to create a lot of the information such as maps of the water lines and sewer lines and meter locations, etc. and financial planning and assessment.
Wyatt said that it is up to the board whether or not they want to spend between $3,000 to $5,000 to get an asset management plan.
“It is something we need,” said Councilman David Hursey.
Public Works Director Johnathan Ward told the board that the number of points the town can receive for an asset management on a grant application depends on the type of grant the town is pursuing.
“We don’t have a water map,” said Ward.
He said that Withers and Ravenel would also use GIS mapping by coming to the town and physically locating all of the valves in the system. Ward added that Withers and Ravenel would be able to tell the town what types of assets the town has such as the type and size of water lines and sewer lines.
Mayor Wyatt recommended the board go with Withers and Ravenel because they are familiar with the town’s assets.
Councilman Jeff Smith asked how the project would impact the town’s budget and was told that the LRCOG said the town could pay for the project with funds from the General Fund and pay for it in the next budget year.
The board voted unanimously to proceed with the asset management plan and approved the required resolutions for the project to move foward.
In a related matter the board also discussed the sewer lift station located at Lyons Landing Road and some upgrades that are needed.
“There is a good possibility we could get a grant for that,” said Wyatt.
He said that there is a possibility the town could receive a 75 percent grant and a 25 percent loan for the work that needs to be performed. Wyatt said that translate to about $150,000 in grant funds and a $50,000 loan.
The lift station was installed in 2001. Wyatt said the grant would also include a new generator for the NC 410 and Lyons Landing lift stations and the public works department will move the old generator to the well site.
The board voted unanimously to approve the grant application and the required resolutions.
Wyatt told the board that a draft copy of the budget will be available to the board by the May meeting.
In other business:
**The board heard an update on the water department. Ward told the board the town had an inspection last month and “everything went fine.” He added the manhole covers have also been repaired and the old galvenized metal water line on 7th Street has been abandonded.
Ward said the galvanized line was very deteriorated and that a section of it had to be replaced with PVC pipe.
** The fire department is holding classes and attendance is good.
** Mayor Horace Wyatt told the board that Airmark has billed the town for $210 for uniforms that are three years old. He recommended that the town not pay the bill and refer any questions to Town Attorney Jim Hill. Wyatt added that the town’s contract with Airmark has expired.

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