Town Of Elizabethtown
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Town Of ElizabethtownDue to the Labor Day holiday, the Elizabethtown Town Council will meet tonight (Tuesday, September 4) at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber at the Elizabethtown Town Hall.

The board is expected to approve the minutes from the August 6th Work Session, August 6th Regular Session, August 6th Closed Session, August 13th Special Called meeting and August 13th Closed session.

The town council will conduct a public hearing regarding the Elizabethtown Zoning Ordinance Rewrite and Zoning Map Update. The board will consider approving the zoning changes at their October meeting.

The board will be asked to approve a resolution declaring surplus property and authorizing Elizabethtown Police Chief Tony Parrish to dispose fo those items. The town council is also expected to adopt a resolution to reflect amendments to the records retention schedule maintained by the North Carolina Division of Archives and Records.

Under Administrative Matters, the council will consider a contract with WR Martin for an EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant. The board will also consider a bid award for the construction bids for the Phase II Utility Burial Project.

The town council will also consider an amendment to the inmate labor contract with the North Carolina Department of Corrections, receive the monthly financial report, consider a budget amendment, and consider a change order for the airport terminal project.

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