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A staff reportAs we approach another season, it’s crucial to remember the importance of fire prevention, particularly when it comes to forest fires. The North Carolina Forest Service urges everyone to take proactive measures to prevent forest fires and protect our natural resources. Before engaging in activities like burning debris or hiking in state forests, it’s essential to adhere to the following prevention tips:1. Check for Burn Bans or Fire Restrictions:Before starting any outdoor burning, check for burn bans or fire restrictions in your area. These regulations are put in place to ensure public safety and prevent the spread of wildfires, especially during periods of high fire danger.2. Avoid Burning on Dry, Windy Days:Choose your burning days wisely and avoid burning debris on dry, windy days. Wind can quickly spread flames and ignite nearby vegetation, leading to uncontrolled wildfires. It’s best to wait for calm weather conditions before conducting any burning activities.3. Keep Your Pile Small and Manageable:When burning debris in your yard, keep your pile small and manageable. Avoid creating tall stacks of debris, as these can contribute to more intense fires that are harder to control. By keeping your pile small, you can better manage the flames and reduce the risk of the fire spreading.

4. Be Prepared with Essential Tools:Before starting any outdoor burning, ensure you have essential tools and equipment nearby. This includes water, a bucket, a steel rake, a shovel, and a phone. These tools can help you control the fire, extinguish any flames that get out of control, and quickly call for assistance if needed.5. Never Leave the Burn Pile Unattended:One of the most critical prevention tips is to never leave the burn pile unattended. Even small fires can quickly escalate if left unattended, leading to potentially devastating consequences. Always stay with the fire until it is completely extinguished, and never leave it burning overnight or when you are not present.By following these prevention tips from the N.C. Forest Service, we can all do our part to reduce the risk of forest fires and protect our communities and natural resources. Remember, fire prevention is everyone’s responsibility, and taking proactive measures can make a significant difference in preventing wildfires. Let’s work together to keep our forests safe and healthy for generations to come.

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